20 December 2011

Dan Moran - Monsters International Artist Profile No. 5

Zombie Portrait #4, par/by Dan Moran
Stylo à bille sur papier à photocopie / Ball-point pen on photocopy paper
États-Unis / United States
$100 - email: monstersonpaper@gmail.com

Dan Moran est un artiste autodidacte du Vermont. Ses dessins au stylo-bille sont apparus dans plusieurs magazines macabres et sur des couvertures de disques métal. Son mort-vivant vous adresse ses meilleurs voeux de fin damnée.

Dan Moran is a self-taught artist established in Vermont. His black ball-point pen works have appeared in dark and horror-themed magazines and as imagery for underground metal bands. In keeping with the spirit of Christmas, this zombie extends to you seasonal dribblings.

Découvrez au fur et à mesure le profil des artistes participant aux projets de l'Internationale des Monstres.
Seeing as we appreciate their work and believe it should be discovered by many, artists participating in Monsters International are regularly showcased on our website.